Uncovering the Essence of Love with Tibetan Numerology

Uncovering the Essence of Love with Tibetan Numerology

This comes from my Tibetan teacher who is no longer on this side. Since this is the month that opens to the idea of love with Valentine’s Day, I thought you all might enjoy how he used Tibetan Numerology to gather the essence of a word:

All words, regardless of what language we use, have numerological value. That is, each word in a language resonates to a particular frequency range of vibration. The letters in the word are links in the vibratory chain and tell us what the word is really meant to express or have us do to fulfill its meaning.

Love is a four-letter word. It has then, four links. Each link has to be taken in sequence. It is that sequence that defines how the manifested action of the word will flow. By following the vibratory sequence, we then have an absolute guide to the word’s meaning and the results we can achieve by using it.

Link #1 … The letter L = 3 … Creative.
The creative quality is not limited. It can follow a design if it likes, but more often than not, it follows its own natural flow. The first link tell us that love is not to be given a system or style other than that which we wish to apply. When two people meet, they find creative ways of attracting and interfacing. The more creative, the more chance love has to manifest. With no rules to worry about, two people can find the unique and exciting elements of each other.

Link #2 … The letter O = 10 … Progressive.
Stagnation will defeat love energy just as well as it will defeat any form of growth. This link in the chain tells us to move onward. It warns against repetition and apathy. It opens the door to unlimited possibilities and urges us to find new places and expressions. It transforms us from the usual and expected to the innovative and spontaneous.

Link #3 … The letter V = 9 … Emotions.
Love, to be love, must be felt. The emotions conveyed and heightened by the five physical senses are what this link brings to our attention. Sometimes it is joy, sometimes pain, but always a consuming awareness that we are involved in something deeper than our intellect and stronger than our desires. We are asked to transform physical emotions into spiritual emotions and find love on its highest level. Only then will we understand its complete meaning.

Link #4 … The letter E = 5 … Energy.
Love is not static. It is a powerful force, generating more energy as it is used. It is a perpetual motion machine, a nuclear power plant; a galactic nova. It is never content to just be. It must find new mountains to climb, new adventures to pursue. It welcomes challenge as it brings out the best in us.

The next time you ask yourself if you’re in love, ask yourself if you are creative, progressive, emotional and energetic about the relationship. If the answer is, “yes”, then proceed with confidence. You may have found the right person to be with.”

– GT

2014: The Year of the Horse

2014: The Year of the Horse

January 30th at 1:38 pm PST The New Moon in Aquarius brings us to a new level of awareness by opening the gateway for the Year of the Wood Horse. The Year of the Horse is considered auspicious in many ways; symbolically the Horse represents the power of action, mobility, and strength. It points us in the direction of freedom, independence, and happiness. It is highly energized and will take us on a ride beyond our wildest dreams. The key here is to take your controlling hands off the reigns and enjoy the ride. Slowing the Horse down will get nowhere and leave you behind in the dust.

The last two years we have been swimming in the Water element, facing deep emotional issues with the Dragon and the Snake. These reptiles have been presenting us with second dimensional power known as survival. This survival process revealed to us many emotions and feeling from lifetimes to transform, transmute, and accept as part of our primal self. The Dragon brought to a place where we could pierce the veil of illusion and remove our ego attachment to that illusion. The Snake brought us the ability to transform so that our personal evolution could occur.

We now are on solid ground and get to ride the Horse. It is a Wood Horse; the element of Wood will teach us how to contain our watery emotional-creative process and manifest a magnetic field for receiving gifts. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime.

December 2013: Cosmic Consciousness Shifts with the ISON Comet

December 2013: Cosmic Consciousness Shifts with the ISON Comet

CometComet ISON holds 4 million years of memory in its ice body that has been a part of the boundary between our inner and outer Solar System since the beginning of creation. The symbolic meaning for ice is frozen consciousness. When ice hits fire it melts bringing forth a new consciousness on earth.

Think about this bio-spiritual integration that has been waiting 4 million years to pour down upon us at this time in the constellation of Sagittarius. This is going to prove to be a major awakening for all of us walking on the earth at this time. To enhance this experience for yourself it would be a good idea for you to see where Sagittarius is in your chart. Remember, Sagittarius is all about higher knowledge and this bio-spiritual integration will take place in that area of your consciousness.

For more information about this time, watch the Cosmic Check-In video here »

November 2013: Miraculous Changes!

November 2013: Miraculous Changes!

The Sun moved into Scorpio on the 22nd of October at 11:11am … quite an auspicious time, with due respect to Scorpio it wouldn’t be any different. It joins up with Saturn and Mercury retrograde in Scorpio bringing us to a knowing that it is time to live from the inside out.

We must consider that Saturn in Scorpio is teaching us to take dominion over our shadow side. Remember everything we resist experiencing gets placed in the shadow to be dealt with at a later date. That later date is now! This is why so many of us are having familiar experiences; if so you are in the right place at the right time.

The Sun being in Scorpio will flash a light on what needs attention at this time. When we live under the Scorpio Sun we are to look at the concepts of desire and transformation. The concept of desire always leads us to a block that has to be transformed before receiving what our desire has intended. Often we give up and in doing so we place the unfulfilled desire in our shadow side. Saturn’s job right now is to teach us what is necessary to get out of resistance accept the block, and transform the desire back to consciousness in order to manifest! When we accept Saturn as our teacher we get receive the reward.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio opens up a pathway to express the deeper side of our unspoken world. Take a chance this month to use the transformational power of Scorpio to unleash and set your shadow free. Let Mercury’s curiosity do research in the caverns of your inner world to discover unexpressed desires you have hidden from yourself and let the transformational power of Scorpio set you free.

The eclipse is asking you to be aware of where you were 19 years ago, 1994, what were your desires and what was transforming.

There are many planets going out of retrograde and Jupiter going into retrograde all within 10 days of each other, this combined with the solar rays and super sensitivity makes for an up-grade in our DNA and an opening to new soul codes.

For more information see the Cosmic Check-In video here »

A Good Tool for Living in Conscious Co-Creation

A Good Tool for Living in Conscious Co-Creation

Geometric FormsA geometric form is a boundary of awareness necessary for self-definition on a dimensional level. When we build our own geometric form, we assign energy to a boundary specific to our need in the moment.

Before meditating or entering an altered state, it is a good idea to build a geometric form. Simply close your eyes and image before your eyes a geometric form. You may see the form, sense the form or hear the form depending on your primary mode of entering the creative world. Once you have determined for yourself what the form is, begin tracing it with your eyes, moving around the form. Your form may change shapes or dimensions; simply allow it to take its shape.

Once the boundary of the form has locked into shape, begin to have your geometric form whirl around your entire body, starting at the top of your head until it hits the bottom of your feet. Then send your form to the center of the earth to connect with the Great Mother. Once you have connected to her, bring your geometric form back to your feet and blow into it until it is as big as you are.

Now step inside your form and meditate. It is time to set and protect your boundaries before you meditate. You are about to advance to a new level and require more protection when you are in an altered state.